voidLab Archive 2015-2017

2021, artist book, 6"x9"

Active from 2015 to 2017, voidLab was an intersectional feminist collective for women, non-binary, gender nonconforming, trans and queer people to express individual identities through art and technology. Projects, actions, and reflections accumulated from this temporary community now live in an archive available in PDF and printed format.

Editors: Echo Theohar and Xin Xin
Design: Livia Foldes
Colophons: Charlotte Rohde, Ilya Ruderman, Yury Ostromentsky, Juliette Duhé, and Léa Pradinee
Front Cover: Livia Foldes and Echo Theohar
Contribtors: A.M. Darke, Alice Jung, Amanda Stojanov, Andrea Vitali, Chelly Jin, Christina Yglesias, Echo Theohar, Eli Joteva, Evelyn Masso, Hillary Cleary, Jules Kris, Kate Hollenbach, Regina Napolitano, Sanglim Han, Sofia S.G., Xin Xin, Yuehao Jiang